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Postecoglou’s comments on Vicario after Bergvall incident speak volumes

Postecoglou’s comments on Vicario after Bergvall incident speak volumes

Ange Postecoglou’s pre-season remarks regarding Guglielmo Vicario might shed light on the Tottenham Hotspur goalkeeper’s stern reprimand of young Lucas Bergvall.


Tottenham Hotspur had a mixed start to their season, following a thrilling first half by ending in a 1-1 draw against newly promoted Leicester City. However, what stood out most in that match occurred during stoppage time when Vicario sharply criticized the young midfielder, Bergvall. The 18-year-old had lost possession on the left flank, leading to a dangerous situation where Wilfred N’didi nearly scored, forcing Vicario to make a crucial late save. Immediately after making the save, Vicario approached the visibly anxious teenager and unleashed a forceful lecture.


This incident left the Spurs fanbase divided. Some criticized Vicario for his harsh treatment of a young player, particularly one who was still finding his feet at the top level. Others, however, believed that age should not exempt Bergvall from receiving tough feedback, especially in a high-stakes match.


To understand Vicario’s actions, it’s essential to revisit Postecoglou’s comments about the Italian goalkeeper during the pre-season. The Australian coach had expressed immense confidence in Vicario’s temperament and leadership qualities, emphasizing that he had entrusted Vicario with significant responsibilities on and off the pitch. When asked about his thoughts on Vicario, Postecoglou spoke highly of the former Empoli shot-stopper, noting his strong character and the positive influence he would bring to the team.


“As soon as I had a conversation with him, I knew he was the right bloke for us,” Postecoglou said. “Beyond being an outstanding goalkeeper, he is an outstanding human being. Bringing someone like that into our dressing room does more than just fill a position. He’s the kind of guy who will have a profound influence on everything we do, including my own approach as a coach. I keep learning by surrounding myself with players of his caliber.”


These comments suggest that Vicario was encouraged by Postecoglou to assert himself as a key figure in the squad, a role that comes with the responsibility of guiding and, when necessary, correcting his younger teammates. Vicario’s dressing down of Bergvall, then, could be seen as an extension of the leadership role Postecoglou envisioned for him.


The reaction to Vicario’s outburst was mixed among Tottenham supporters. On social media platform X (formerly Twitter), fans were split. Some felt that Vicario’s heated response was excessive, especially given Bergvall’s age and inexperience. Others, however, backed the Italian, arguing that tough love is a part of professional football, and that Bergvall, despite his youth, should not be immune to criticism when his mistake nearly cost the team.


Reflecting on his role within the team, Vicario, during an interview with The Athletic, humorously acknowledged his seniority within the squad. “I’m one of the oldest players in this group,” he said. “It’s just my second year here, but I already feel a greater sense of responsibility than last season. It’s a big honor for me to have the chance to work closely with the younger players and guide them.”


Vicario went on to express his satisfaction with his new role in the dressing room, adding, “I’m very happy with this new role inside the dressing room, but I approach it with humility. My goal is to offer good advice and ensure that everyone is in the right mindset to contribute to the team.”


Vicario’s actions on the pitch against Leicester City could be interpreted as him stepping into this leadership role, holding his teammates to high standards and pushing them to perform at their best, even if it means delivering harsh truths. While his methods may have sparked debate, they also highlighted the trust and responsibility that Postecoglou has placed in him as a leader within the squad.

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